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Arch Coal Foundation Teacher Achievement Awards Program Continues in West Virginia; Awards Increased to $3,500

September 2, 2008 at 12:00 AM EDT

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (Sept. 2, 2008) - Nomination forms soon will be reaching schools throughout West Virginia for the prestigious Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Awards program, according to John Snider, Arch Coal vice president for external affairs, eastern region.

The Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Awards, the longest running, privately sponsored teacher recognition program in the state, is underwritten by the Arch Coal Foundation.

"The foundation has increased the personal, cash award to $3,500 for each of the 12 recipients, who are expected to be announced early next year," said Snider. "This is an excellent opportunity to recognize and recommend West Virginia's star classroom teachers.

"While nominations for the awards close Jan. 9, 2009, nominating early gives teachers more time to complete their applications," explained Snider. "Nominated teachers, when completing their applications, are asked to explain how they bring the magic of learning to their classrooms on a daily basis."

Nomination forms also may be obtained at libraries throughout the state. Public nominations may be made online at and the West Virginia Education Association Web site, In addition, the West Virginia Education Association's (WVEA) foundation, the West Virginia Foundation for the Improvement of Education, awards a $1,000 grant for use with at-risk students to each public school recipient's school.

The teacher recognition program has received longtime support from the West Virginia Department of Education, the West Virginia Library Commission, the Office of Governor Joe Manchin and the WVEA.

The Arch Coal Foundation also is a supporter of teacher recognition or grant programs in Wyoming, Utah and Colorado, as well as a number of other education-related causes.

Arch Coal is one of the nation's largest coal producers. Through its national network of mines, Arch supplies the fuel for approximately 6 percent of the electricity generated in the United States. In West Virginia, Arch Coal owns the Mountain Laurel, Sharples, and Coal-Mac, Holden, operations. The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: ACI) and maintains its corporate headquarters in St. Louis, Mo.