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Arch Coal Foundation Kicks Off 2009 Teacher Recognition Program in Utah

September 2, 2008 at 12:00 AM EDT

WELLINGTON, Utah (Sept. 2, 2008) - The Arch Coal Foundation's popular teacher recognition program - the Arch Coal Teacher Achievement Awards - is beginning its third year in Carbon, Emery, Sanpete and Sevier counties and nomination forms are now available, according to Erwin Sass, general manager of the Dugout Canyon mine.

The counties surround the Dugout Canyon, Skyline and Sufco coal mines owned by Arch Coal, Inc., a major U.S. coal producer.

"I am very pleased that the Arch Coal Foundation is continuing its Teacher Achievement Awards program again this school year," said Sass. "Five star classroom teachers from our area will be named recipients of this award. These teachers deserve special recognition because of their abilities to bring the magic of learning to their students.

"We believe this is a very special award for teachers because the nominations are made by the public - students, teachers, colleagues, or anyone in the public - and selected by a panel of their peers," said Sass. "In fact, most of the judges will be prior recipients of the award."

Nomination forms have been delivered to every public school in the four counties, plus many businesses have agreed to "partner" with the program and make them available at their locations. Nominations also may be made on the Internet at More than 220 teachers were nominated for the award last year. The awards are expected to be presented near the close of the school year.

Partners for the program's third year include the Office of Governor Jon Huntsman, Utah State Office of Education, Utah Education Association, Utah School Superintendents Association, Carbon County School District, Emery County School District, Sevier County School District, North Sanpete School District, South Sanpete School District, Far West Bank,  radio stations KMTI, KLGL, KMGR, KSVC, KCYQ, KOAL, KARB, KRPX, and both TacoTime and Bookcliff Sales in Price. Business partners have copies of the public nomination forms.

Sass said nominations will be accepted until Jan. 9, 2009, but that the earlier a teacher is nominated, the more time that teacher will have to complete the application. The Arch Coal Foundation continues to strengthen this awards program, providing each 2009 recipient of the honor with a $3,500 personal, cash award.

The Arch Coal Foundation also is a supporter of teacher recognition or grant programs in West Virginia, Wyoming and Colorado, as well as a number of other education-related causes.

Arch Coal is Utah's largest coal producer and a large, state employer with a workforce of approximately 800. Through all its operations, Arch Coal is one of the nation's largest coal producers. The company is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: ACI) and maintains its corporate headquarters in St. Louis, Mo.